
somatic sex education

Somatic sex education sessions assist students in developing presence within their body, opening to their interior awareness, and learning how the body can feel more alive.

I use a variety of instructive modalities including breathwork, boundary setting and consent exercises, and trauma-informed touch for scar tissue palpitation, pelvic floor release, genital dearmouring and anatomy mapping for sensitivity and pleasure.

hand, leaf, autumn
yoga, girl, woman


I have been practicing yoga and martial arts for the past 11 years; teaching for the last five years. I gained my 500 hour Interdisciplinary Yoga and Advanced Training at the Nosara Yoga Institute in Costa Rica.

Skilled at creating a sense of safety, self-empowerment and deep meditative awareness in my classes through careful application of breathwork, soothing verbal cues, and a detailed knowledge of posture alignment as well as subtle physical assists; I am able to help my students invoke a profound fusion of mindful awareness with bodily sensation that is both relaxing and evocative.


I offer a variety of boldly innovative, one-of-a-kind group learning opportunities. Skilled at creating an atmosphere of safety and inclusivity, my workshops are always heavy on experiential learning rather than being lecture-based.

people, jumping, happiness